Guided meditations can help us to pause, rest, focus and deeply experience the present moment of our life. As a practice, they remind us to come back to ourselves over and over, so that resting our presence in our body becomes a habit. 

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Wishing you much joy and ease in your practice,


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Butterfly Meditation

In this meditation, we nourish wholesome energies in us by visualising a butterfly exploring a meadow of wild flowers.

Each flower is an energy that is good for our heart and our wellbeing. Here, we taste the energies of connection, peace, joy, gratitude, hope, wonder and friendship.

You can use memories or your imagination to awaken these energies and receive their nourishment. You can pause the meditation to visit other flowers. You might also like to write down or draw your reflections afterwards, so that you can amplify the effect of these energies.

May you know how to draw in deep nourishment for your heart each day.

With deep gratitude,