Guided practices help us to pause, rest, focus and deeply experience the present moment of our life. They remind us to come back to ourselves over and over, so that resting our presence in our body becomes a habit. 

Wishing you much joy and ease in your practice,


gladdening the mind (with the poem ‘rewild yourself’)

This ancient practice invites us to intentionally generate a positive experience. When we do this over time, we influence our mind to be more receptive to and aware of the good in our life.

The recording begins with Caroline Mellor’s poem ‘Rewild Yourself.’ You might like to have paper and pen with you to note down the area of your focus for your meditation - how it feels when you re-embody the feeling of delighting in a person, animal or part of nature.

There are places in you
Where thousands of bright, tiny flowers
Open each morning to the sun
In meadows as vast as the sky.

An ancient alchemy courses through your bones.
It speaks in feathers and stones and
precious metals and the footprints of mandalas
left by the stories we tell with our lives.

Rewild yourself.
Until green tendrils sprout from your fingernails
And lichen swathes your eyebrows.
Rewild yourself.
Until your roots spread and uncoil and
Writhe down through soil and rock.
Rewild yourself.
Rise up into your magnificence and
Take your place among the constellations.
Rewild yourself.
The Earth is her own medicine.
Be yours.