Guided meditations can help us to pause, rest, focus and deeply experience the present moment of our life. As a practice, they remind us to come back to ourselves over and over, so that resting our presence in our body becomes a habit. 

These meditations can be used when sitting or walking. Bring your mind home to your body and allow it to rest there, in your living presence.

These recordings are offered freely, and donations really help make them possible. If you’d like to make a donation to support this work, you can donate via Stripe (white button) or via Paypal (blue button).

Wishing you much joy and ease in your practice,


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Space for a decision

This is a guided meditation to help us hold space for reaching a decision, or to consider possible next steps.

Establishing yourself securely in your body and creating a clearing around you, take time to consider this decision, noticing your body's response and sensing your own wisdom.

This practice helps us to listen from an embodied perspective, rather than intellectualising the decision.

Feel free to pause the recording whenever you need more time. Journalling or writing down what you are aware of is another great support in understanding what we feel about a decision.

Considering our choices can bring up many different experiences - excitement, sorrow, a sense of loss or a fresh feeling of adventure. Allow yourself to sit with the kindest, wisest part of you, so that you can feel deeply cared for throughout.

May you continue on your path guided by your own wisdom and understanding.

With deep gratitude, Orlaith