Meditation - Widening from judgement
Guided practices help us to pause, rest, focus and deeply experience the present moment of our life. They support us in coming home to ourselves over and over, so that resting our presence in our body becomes a habit.
These practices are offered joyfully, and donations really help to make them possible. If you would like to make a donation to support this work, you can donate via Stripe (white button) or via Paypal (blue button).
Wishing you much joy and peace in your practice,
With deep gratitude for this path we walk together,
Meditation - Widening from judgement
This heart-based practice helps us to bring kindness and clarity where we're stuck in judgement.
When we encounter a challenge or difficulty, our tendency is to tighten and to blame.
When we blame, our perspective naturally telescopes in to the problem. We focus on a specific belief and we grip our harsh thinking.
This practice helps us to expand out from our telescoped view and rest in a wider, kinder and wiser perspective.
Similar to RAIN meditation, this practice is best explored with small-medium sensations of blaming. This way we can feel safe and grow to trust the practice. So please choose small (you might think of them as petty) examples to experiment with. Explore with gentleness and let the air be suffused with lovingkindness, offering unconditional care.