guided practices

1) DEep relaxation

Learning to bring an intentional awareness to relaxing is an important part of mindfulness practice. Sometimes, we spend so much time in our heads that it can become difficult to reconnect with our bodies. Often we prioritise our mind over our body; we heed what our busy (obsessed) mind wants to do, rather than listen to the messages coming from our body.

Relaxation practice helps us to learn to listen to our body. We offer care, gratitude, a space to rest and restore. We aim to connect deeply with our physical body. 

The meditation below lasts just over 40 minutes. For those who have less time, there is a bell that sounds half way through - you can use this as your timer if you want a shorter session. 

2) Short mindful break

A very short practice that you can do anytime (while sitting, walking, queueing) to come back to your body and re-set your state.

3) Walking with Anxiety

In this meditation, we practice walking with an uncomfortable emotion. When we feel a strong emotion, staying still can sometimes add to the level of discomfort; walking is a beautiful practice that can be with and take care of whatever is arising. This meditation refers to anxiety, but can be used for anger, guilt, blame etc.

4) Working with judgement

In this guided meditation, choose to work with a type of blame or judgement that isn't extreme: you're looking for something between small and medium blame. It's an exploration in trying different approaches; your intention is the most important thing.

5) chocolate meditation

The practice of generating mindful awareness is not separate from our daily life. We can do it when we pause at a red light, when we're waiting in a queue, when we pick up a mug of tea. Mindfulness is about the attention and attitude we bring to this moment of our life.

Chocolate meditation gives us a way to let our mind and body rest on one thing, and the practice strengthens our ability to savour our food. Enjoy :-)