This heart-based practice helps us to notice where we're stuck in judgement, and to soften there to a more loving, compassionate presence.

RAIN Process

R - recognise a situation where you've turned on yourself

A - allow it to be, just as it is

I - investigate with a kind attention, what is the felt experience for me. How does this feel in my body. What needs attention?

N - nourish the experience, whatever message of healing, kindness, wisdom, truth it needs.

...and then rest and relax in the post-RAIN feeling.

This is a practice to keep coming back to. At the beginning, the experience of unconditional kindness can be a challenge to identify with (whereas the pained, judgemental experience can feel very familiar and 'more real'). Over time, we strengthen our ability to offer unconditional kindness, and can tap into this experience more easily and skilfully.

Wishing you healing, kindness and joy in this practice.