Practicing mindfulness helps to support us in every area of our lives. Learning to take care of ourselves builds resilience and compassion, and this is reflected in better self-regulation and better workplace practices.
Many organisations are seeking to introduce mindfulness at work to support employees. The organisation Transport for London made a long-term commitment to establishing mindful practices at work (including mindfulness, exercise and information on healthy eating). After 3 years, they found that absences due to stress or anxiety dropped by 71%.
Below are practices for a long and a short break.
DEep relaxation
Learning to bring an intentional awareness to relaxing is an important part of mindfulness practice. Sometimes, we spend so much time in our heads that it can become difficult to reconnect with our bodies. Often we prioritise our mind over our body; we heed what our busy (obsessed) mind wants to do, rather than listen to the messages coming from our body.
Relaxation practice helps us to learn to listen to our body. We offer care, gratitude, a space to rest and restore. We aim to connect deeply with our physical body.
Short mindful break
A very short practice that you can do anytime (while sitting, walking, queueing) to come back to your body and re-set your state.